Tuesday, September 16, 2014


One of the many mysterious powers of the transsexual is that once they realize that they, themselves, are essentially inside-out, and express their inner selves, they compel others around them to also turn inside-out, and express their inner selves.  This effect is amplified in a logarithmic fashion inversely proportional to one’s distance from the transsexual.  Once within a radius of about ten feet or less, this power is absolute and unavoidable.  This phenomenon has come to be known by scientists as the Inversion Vortex.

For many people, this compulsion is not a terrible thing to come under.  If they are capable of empathy and forethought, they tend to do very well, in that no discernible difference is revealed by the transsexual’s aura.  They may, for example, refer to a transsexual woman by her former name or gender, but then quickly realize they’ve made a mistake, and correct it, prompting no further thought on the error by anyone.  This can make the aura difficult to detect, as it does not seem to affect everybody, by virtue of the fact that if one is the same outside as they are inside, no change can be detected.

However, one who hides malice in his heart might feel himself compelled to say — under his breath, but certainly deliberately loudly enough to be heard by others — when standing on a corner in Pike Place Market early in the morning as a transsexual woman walks by, “is that a boy or a girl?” while grumbling.  For all the wonderful things such a man has surely done in his life before the point when he stood on a corner on the transsexual woman’s path, when it comes down to it, inside, he enjoys the feeling of superiority he gets by pointing out someone else’s comparatively fluid gender to his own more socially acceptable static gender.  Calling attention to it gives him a great rush of joy.  His inner self, revealed.

Another man, well-meaning enough, but lacking in social skills, might approach a transsexual woman and tell her that she needs a new razor, because her legs look like they’ve been hit by poison ivy.  Naturally, such a Champion of Great Legs would only be trying to help, as he would of course clarify by saying “no offense” immediately afterwards, but one might suspect he would not have taken it upon himself to police the state of the legs of a natural born woman, as that is a rather uncommon thing for men to do.  His inner self, revealed.

Still another person, who had seen the transsexual woman around prior to her revelation, when she still presented as male and went by a male name and male pronouns, might approach her assertively, yet with some hesitance, and say something like, “I don’t want to offend you or anything… but what should I call you now?”  When thanked for asking, and given the answer, this sort of person, still disoriented from being turned inside-out by the transsexual’s irresistible power of transposition, might say it was nice to meet her, and then relate an anecdote of how his brother-in-law went through the same thing — he used to be Melissa, but now he’s Gabe.  Still compelled by the transsexual, this kind of man might even go so far as to say he thinks it’s awesome what she is doing, being true to herself, before finally breaking free of the vortex, and continuing on his way.  His inner self, revealed.

And finally, yet another person might feel drawn to the nexus of this power, like a rat following the piper, to sit near the transsexual woman while she waits for her bus to take her home.  This last kind might pretend at striking up some small talk before blurting out something like, “are you a man?”  What purpose this kind of question might possibly serve should elude you.  What should not elude you is that in this case, too, yet another hapless citizen has fallen under the transsexual’s spell.  Her inner self, revealed.

What can you do to avoid being turned inside-out by the transsexual’s spell, and embarrassing yourself publicly as you loudly and proudly proclaim your intolerance, ignorance, and general lack of empathy?  The surest way, of course, is to simply develop your own capacities for tolerance and empathy, while also educating yourself on what transsexualism is.  If you are already tolerant and empathetic, even if you are ignorant of the details of transsexualism broadly, or the specifics of any one transsexual’s case, you will probably not be unduly impacted even when you are within range of an Inversion Vortex.  This approach is called the “immunization method.”

However, if your tolerance and empathy capacities are limited for whatever reason, your best course of action is to simply avoid the transsexual and the locus of their power — for they, too, are its victims.  Like the X-man Cyclops, the power of the transsexual is always on, and they cannot stop it, not even with awesome ruby-quartz glasses that look hella sexy.  Do whatever you can to remain at least 100 yards away from anyone who might be a transsexual, or, though slightly less dangerous, anyone who may be different from you in any way, at all times.  This is the only way you can keep yourself safe, so please, be careful!

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