Saturday, January 3, 2015

Loving the Skin I’m In

I woke up early this morning after a very busy day yesterday.  I’d crashed around 9:30p last night, hard, and woke up to no alarms or anything else at about 2:45a today.  I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and I felt beautiful and pretty feminine.  (Usually, I only feel beautiful and feminine when I’m not looking in a mirror, unless I’ve done my makeup and gotten dressed.)

I got up and looked over myself more fully in the full-length mirror, and felt really pleased.  My breasts aren’t really all there yet, which is to be expected after barely over two months on HRT, and a really low dose, to boot.  But they’re coming, same with my hips.  I had my eyebrows waxed yesterday, shaped in a much more typically feminine fashion, and I’m going to continue with my plan of having the electrologist kill stray hairs as they come back in, so my brows will stay this way permanently without my having to go have them redone every month or anything.

I had also just gotten my legs waxed yesterday, and while they’re still a little irritated, they’re smooth and beautiful, and I love them.  Bare, smooth skin is one of my strong personal markers for my own femininity.

I sort of wandered around my room naked for awhile, petting cats and talking with them, and just feeling really warm and happy in a way I’ve not felt since I first realized my gender dysphoria.  I have loved myself since then, but I have not always been in love with myself, and today, so far, I am.  I’m not happy with my body in terms of where it’s at; there are things I want to keep improving on, like having the facial hair permanently removed, and getting into better shape.  But I’m grateful that I have such a thin frame, and that it was never particularly masculine, because that makes it so much easier for my feminine aspects to develop and really define me, physically.

I almost want to share nudes.  Almost.  Nothing pornographic, mind you, just me and my bare skin, being beautiful and happy.

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